4th & 5th Grade Cross Country
The purpose of this intramural program is to provide Fremont School’s 4th and 5th grade girls/boys with quality understanding of distance running, setting a pace, and accomplishing personal goals. This program is offered to any Fremont 4th and 5th grade girls/boys who like to run for exercise and fun.
Participants in this program should wear appropriate clothing for running outside or inside depending on the weather (sweatpants, shorts, t-shirt, long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, and running shoes). I recommend bringing a water bottle to be used outside only and used appropriately, and extra socks and shoes (it will be wet out).
All practices will be before school in the Intermediate gym from 8-8:45am on school days of the dates listed below. Students should not be dropped off before 7:55am. If you would like to take the early middle school bus please contact transportation at x5100 for information.
Practices are Mondays & Thursdays
April 14, 17, 21, 24, 28
May 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22
Online registration is available by visiting the Intermediate’s Intramural website or clicking REGISTRATION.
The cost of the intramural is $25 per participant. This fee will be added to your teacherease account within a week of registration.
Any questions, please contact Corey Sciutto at csciutto@fsd79.org.