About Digital Devices
All K-5 students will have an iPad as their digital device this school year. All first through fifth-grade students will have permission to take the device home.
The philosophy of this program is to use digital devices as an additional tool for students to further their education. The concept of a blended learning environment is being implemented. Students will continue to experience a variety of instructional methods which will include class discussions, collaboration with peers, and participation in direct instruction. Students will not use the devices exclusively. Digital learning is one way to prepare students for college and careers.
The student and family responsibilities for the use of digital devices are outlined in the digital responsibility document signed by families. Parents may print out the document, sign it and return it to the school. Parents may also indicate their signature electronically by using the link to the electronic signature page. A signature form needs to be completed electronically or on paper for each student that attends Fremont School District 79. Families are only required to fill out this information once while a student is enrolled at Fremont School District 79.